Free Employer's Guide
Don't let the task of carrying out a noise at work assessment faze you. With our Free Employer's Guide you'll quickly get to grips with what you need to do to measure and manage noise in your company.
The current EU noise legislation, the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 (Noise Regulations 2005) reduced the previous* 'action levels' and also introduced 'legal limits' for daily noise exposure. These changes were driven by an EU directive in a long term attempt to eliminate noise-induced hearing loss in the workplace.
Carrying out a noise regulations risk assessment can seem like a daunting task, and there is a lot of information out there, which for the busy employer and health and safety practitioner can make it seem more onerous and complex. So Pulsar Instruments, as noise measurement experts, have put together a brief guide for companies who are trying to control their own noise problems. Our basic guidance covers the 5 essential steps for compliance with the Noise at Work Regulations 2005 and it will allow you, together with the right tools, to take control of noise and be compliant with the regulations.
Learn how to measure and manage Noise at Work in just one-day!
Pulsar Instruments manufactures a complete range of compliant noise measurement equipment for managing occupational noise that's easy to use and reliable. They all come with our outstanding Pulsar AnalyzerPlus software enabling quick and compliant reporting.
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